Do you want to join the challenge?

Challenge will be held from April 1st to 7th of 2017.

In orther to participate in the challenge I recommend you to register in my web. Introduce your personal information (Name, surname and email) and in the comments write you are interested to join Dietsana Detox Juice Challenge.

3 days before the challenge starts I will send you the shopping list with the fruits and vegetables you need to join the challenge.

What you need?

Drainer, filter bag or juice extractor

Fruits and green leafy vegetables or others

10 minutes per day

Be willing to do and make it happen!

What the challenge entails?

We will drink one detox juice during 7 days. You will receive by email a recipe of a juice the day before.

You can continue eating as normal as you do!

What you get in return?

Detoxify your body

Strengthen your inmune system


Are easy to make and you can take it to the office, beach, park…